The Access/SQL Server/ASP.Net Users
Wednesday, Feb 21 2001, 5:45 pm
Client-Server Applications with Access
month you'll learn the different methodologies for accessing SQL Server data
through Access, including: linked-tables, local static tables, pass-through
queries, bound and unbound forms, Access Data Projects (ADPs) and more.
Adam Cogan will show you why you shouldn't use QueryDef.Parameters and
a few other tips/warnings.
forget we want you to bring your questions - write them down so you don't
forget - We guarantee they will be answered.
Last month Adam
presented the SQL Server naming conventions that SSW uses. They were quite
popular and have been placed here for your convenience. Any
feedback welcomed.
SSW's Standard for naming SQL Server Objects
SSW's Standard for naming Stored Procedures
SSW's Standard for formatting Stored Procedures
SSW's Standard for naming Indexes
SSW's Standard for Relationship naming